Call customer service on, 07 4728 2250 and listen to the opitions carefully.
Transport Services – Townsville, Ingham, Bowen, Cairns & Surrounds
Our services include transport and logistics for moving:
- Special equipment
- Heavy loads
- Over-sized loads
- Dangerous materials
- Bulk haulage
- Septic and Rainwater Tanks
- 1 Tonne and 2 Tonne Tailgates

We don’t transport live animals, explosive materials, or goods not suitably packaged. But otherwise, DEX can confidently transport your goods.
Our record of excellence and on-time deliveries speaks for itself.
The DEX team includes logistics experts and customs clearance specialists. You can count on good communications, efficiency and hassle-free delivery.
We can manage the on-site assembly and tear down of equipment used for loading and shipping. Our service areas include Cairns, Mackay and Mareeba.
If your freight contains dangerous materials, full disclosure is a must. You’ll need to describe, in full, the details of the contents prior to transporting.
We run a very active truck schedule that is sure to work for your business timelines.
You can be confident that, when it comes to the handling of your goods, container contents and bulk freight, professional care will be taken at all times.
Some of the items we transport at DEX:
- Stationery
- Pharmaceuticals
- Printed materials
- Automobile parts/accessories
- Machine spare parts
- General palletized freight
- Steel sheets (lengths up to 12 metres)
- And much more
Get in touch with us Daily Express Couriers. Let’s talk about your transport and logistics needs today.
Con Note Guide
Shipping Goods Guide
At DEX, we have the shipping and logistics experts, as well as the transport guidelines you need for shipping your goods.
DEX Shipping Goods Guide
Ensure your shipment arrives in perfect condition. Daily Express Couriers processes more than 1000 consignments every week. We use professional staff to help ensure your consignment arrives on time and in perfect condition.
You play an important role in this task, making sure that your shipment is properly protected and packaged and ensuring that it is accurately labelled. Please consult the guidelines below to ensure that your shipment is one of the 1000 that arrives in perfect condition. If you have any queries or require any advice, please contact us.
- Clearly label all packages on the top of each item. This allows for faster identification and minimal handling.
- Give complete sender and receiver addresses, including phone numbers.
- Awkwardly shaped items with sharp corners or projections need extra protection to prevent accidental damage and to avoid damaging other goods.
- Goods on pallets should be evenly stacked and items secured to the pallet by shrink wrapping, strapping or banding.
- Engines and machinery must be drained of any oils or fluids before packaging.
- If the recipient refuses a consignment, leaks or it is damaged, it will be returned to the sender if possible. If the sender refuses to accept the retired consignment, or it cannot be returned because of leakage or damage due to faulty packaging, the shipper is responsible for, and will reimburse Daily Express Couriers for all costs and fees of any type contested with the legal disposal of the consignment, and all costs and fees of any type connected with clean up of any spill or leakage.

Depart Cut-Off Times
Daily Express Couriers Depot cut off times
Townsville Depot Monday – Friday
Same day services: Phone-ins by 10:30am.
Depot drop offs for same day services must be lodged by 10:30am.
Overnight Services: Phone-ins by 3:30pm.
Depot drop offs for overnight services must be lodged by 5pm.
Bowen Depot Monday – Friday
Sameday service: Phone-ins by 10:00am.

Volumetric Weight Calculation
Volumetric Weight Calculation
Understanding cubing & weighting
Cubing freight requires taking both the weight to volume ratio of the freight into account, as opposed to the only weight. This means that the absolute capacity of our vehicles we operate is taken into consideration.
The best way to understand cubing is by way of example;
Consider the movement of one tonne of feathers, as opposed to one tonne of lead. The feathers will take up more space on the vehicle than the lead. This means that the vehicle will not be able to maximise its dead weight carry capacity for that load. As a result, cubing would apply – affecting the price charged.
The cubing and weighing will include the packaging material, such as a pallet.
How to calculate cubic metres: (W x L x H) X 333
To calculate the volumetric weight, multiply the WIDTH by the LENGTH by the HEIGHT of your shipment (in metres) by 333. Our volumetric (or cubic) conversion factor is 333 kilograms per cubic metre. Our charges reflect the greater of either the actual (dead) weight OR the volumetric (cubic) weight.

Dangerous Goods
Dangerous Goods Transported by Road - General Information.
What are dangerous goods?
Dangerous goods are substances and articles that have explosive, flammable, toxic, infectious or corrosive properties that pose a risk to public safety, damage to property or to the environment.
How do I identify if goods are classed as dangerous?
Dangerous goods substances and articles are allocated to one of nine classes.
These include:
Class 1 – Explosives
Class 2 – Gases
Class 3 – Flammable liquids
Class 4 – Flammable Solids; substances liable to spontaneous combustion; substances which, on contact with water, emit flammable gasses
Class 5 – Oxidising substances and organic peroxides
Class 6 – Toxic and infectious substances
Class 7 – Radioactive material
Class 8 – Corrosive substances
Class 9 – Miscellaneous dangerous substances and articles
The classification of dangerous goods is outlined in the Australian Code for the Transport of Dangerous Goods by Road and Rail (ADG).
Each dangerous goods class is outlined in the is represented by a distinctive and specific class label in the shape of a diamond, for example:
Depending on its properties, each type of dangerous goos is assigned a number known as its UN (United Nations) number, for example, petrol is UN1203. If you are unsure, you should check the label, transport document, safety data sheet or the manufacture or supplier of the goods. You can also check if the goods are listed in the ADG.
What are the laws for transporting dangerous goods by road in Queensland?
It is vital that dangerous goods are handled and transported correctly at all times to minimise the risk to people or damage to the environment or property. Laws have been developed to reduce these risks for transporting dangerous goods by road.
Reference: Dangerous Goods (Department of Main Roads Queensland)